"Sibesabz" means Green Apple in Farsi.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Un'Anno d'Amore – Mina

Anna Maria Quaini, Order of Merit of the Italian Republic (born Mazzini 25 March 1940) known as Mina is an Italian pop singer. She was a staple of Italian television variety shows and a dominant figure in Italian pop music from the mid-1960s to mid-1970s known for her three-octave vocal range, the agility of her soprano voice, and her image as an emancipated woman. In performance, Mina combined several modern styles with traditional Italian melodies and swing music, which made her the most versatile pop singer in Italian music. Mina dominated the Italian charts for fifteen years and reached an unsurpassed level of popularity in Italy.
Mina's TV appearances in 1959 were the first for a female rock and roll singer in Italy. Her loud syncopated singing earned her the nickname Queen of Screamers. The public also labeled her the Tiger of Cremona for her wild gestures and body shakes. When she turned to light pop tunes, Mina's chart-toppers in West Germany in 1962 and Japan in 1964 earned her the title of the best international artist in these countries.
Her main themes are anguished love stories performed in high dramatic tones. The singer combined classic Italian pop with elements of blues, R&B and soul music during the late 1960s. Some of Songs recorded by Mina include: Il cielo in una stanza (1960), Parole parole (Mina and Alberto Lupo duet in 1972), Facile (2009), etc.
Un'Anno d'Amore
Si può finire qui
Ma tu davvero vuoi buttare via così
Un anno d'amore?
Se adesso te ne vai, da domani saprai
Un giorno com'è lungo e vuoto senza me.

E di notte e di notte
Per non sentirti solo
Ricorderai i tuoi giorni felici,
Ricorderai tutti quanti i miei baci.

E capirai in un solo momento
Cosa vuol dire un anno d'amore,
Cosa vuol dire un anno d'amore.

Lo so non servirà e tu mi lascerai
Ma dimmi tu lo sai che cosa perdiamo?
Se adesso te ne vai non le ritroverai
Le cose conosciute vissute con me.

E di notte e di notte
Per non sentirti solo
Ricorderai i tuoi giorni felici,
Ricorderai tutti quanti i miei baci.

E capirai in un solo momento
Cosa vuol dire un anno d'amore,
E capirai in un solo momento
Cosa vuol dire un anno d'amore,

Un'Anno d'Amore – Mina

Translated into English:
One Year of Love

It may finish here
But you really want to throw away so
One year of love?
If you go now, from tomorrow you’ll know
One day how long and empty is without me.

And at night and at night
For not feeling alone
You’ll remember your happy days,
You’ll remember all my kisses.

And you'll understand in just a moment
What means one year of love
What means one year of love.

I know it won’t serve and you’ll leave me
But tell me you know that what we lose?
If you go now you won’t recover
The things experienced lived with me.

And at night and at night
For not feeling alone
You’ll remember your happy days,
You’ll remember all my kisses.

And you'll understand in just a moment
What means one year of love
And you'll understand in just a moment
What means one year of love

Lo so non servirà e tu mi lascerai
Ma dimmi tu lo sai che cosa perdiamo?

ترجمه به فارسی:
یک سال عشق – مینا

ممکنه اینجا تموم بشه
اما تو واقعاً می خوای دور بندازی
یه سال عشقو؟
اگه حالا بری، از فردا متوجه میشی
که یه روز بدون من چقدر طولانی و خالیه

و در شب و در شب
به خاطر اینکه احساس تنهایی نکنی
همه ی روزای شادت یادت میاد
همه ی بوسه های من یادت میاد

و فقط توی یه لحظه می فهمی
که یه سال عشق یعنی چی
که یه سال عشق یعنی چی

می دونم که فایده ای نداره و تو منو ترک می کنی
اما بهم بگو می دونی که چی رو از دست میدیم؟
اگه حالا بری دویاره به دست نمیاری
چیزایی رو که در زندگی با من تجربه کرده ای

و در شب و در شب
به خاطر اینکه احساس تنهایی نکنی
همه ی روزای شادت یادت میاد
همه ی بوسه های من یادت میاد

و فقط توی یه لحظه می فهمی
که یه سال عشق یعنی چی
که یه سال عشق یعنی چی

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