"Sibesabz" means Green Apple in Farsi.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Poema de la Despedida - José Ángel Buesa

Jose Angel Buesa (Cienfuegos, Cuba 1910-Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 1982) was a romantic poet with a clear melancholy tone throughout his poetry which is primarily elegiac. He has been called “the poet in love”. He has been considered as the most popular poets in the Cuba of his time. His popularity is largely due to the clarity and deep sensitivity of his work. Many of his poems have been translated into English, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Japanese and Chinese. Many others have come with music or recitations. He was also a novelist and writer of scripts for radio and television in Cuba. His main works are: La fuga de las horas (1932), Oasis (1943), Cantos de Proteo (1944), etc.

Poema de la despedida
Te digo adiós y acaso te quiero todavía
Quizás no he de olvidarte... Pero te digo adiós
No sé si me quisiste... No sé si te quería
O tal vez nos quisimos demasiado los dos.

Este cariño triste y apasionado y loco
Me lo sembré en el alma para quererte a ti.
No sé si te amé mucho... No sé si te amé poco,
Pero si sé que nunca volveré a amar así.

Me queda tu sonrisa dormida en mi recuerdo
Y el corazón me dice que no te olvidaré.
Pero al quedarme solo... Sabiendo que te pierdo,
Tal vez empiezo a amarte como jamás te amé.

Te digo adiós y acaso con esta despedida
Mi más hermoso sueño muere dentro de mí.
Pero te digo adiós para toda la vida,
Aunque toda la vida siga pensando en ti.

Poema de la Despedida - Jose Angel Buesa

Translated into English:
Farewell Poem -Jose Angel Buesa

I say goodbye to you and perhaps I still love you
Perhaps I shan’t have to forget you... But I say goodbye to you
I don’t know if you wanted me ... I don’t know if I wanted you
Or maybe we both loved each other too much.

This sad and passionate and crazy love
I planted it in the soul to love you.
I don’t know if I loved you a lot ... I don’t know if I loved you a bit,
But I know that I will never go back to love like this.

Your smile stays sleeping in my memory
And my heart says to me that I won’t forget you.
But being left alone ... Knowing that I lose you
Maybe I start to love you as I never loved you.

I say goodbye to you and perhaps with this farewell
My most beautiful dream dies within me.
But I say goodbye to you for life
Although the lifetime keeps thinking of you.

ترجمه به فارسی:
شعر خداحافظی – خوزه آنجل بوئسا

بهت می گم خداحافظ اما شاید هنوزم عاشقتم
شاید نباید فراموشت می کردم ... اما بهت می گم خداحافظ
نمی دونم که آیا دوستم داشتی ... نمی دونم که آیا دوستت داشتم
یا شایدم هر دومون همدیگه رو خیلی دوست داشتیم

این عشق غم انگیز، آتشین و دیوونه رو
توی دلم کاشتمش تا عاشقت بشه
نمی دونم که آیا خیلی عاشقت بودم ... نمی دونم که آیا کم عاشقت بودم
اما می دونم که دیگه هیچ وقت اینجوری عاشق نمی شم

لبخندت توی خاطرم خوابیده
و دلم بهم می گه که فراموشت نخواهم کرد
اما تنها موندن ... دونستن این که از دست میدمت
شاید شروع به عاشق شدنت بکنم طوری که هیچ وقت اینجوری عاشقت نبودم

بهت می گم خداحافظ و شاید با این خداحافظی
زیباترین رؤیای من توی وجودم بمیره
اما بهت می گم خداحافظ برای همیشه
هرچند که همه ی عمر با فکر کردن به تو می گذره

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