"Sibesabz" means Green Apple in Farsi.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Desconocido - Chambao

Chambao is a flamenco-electronic band originally from Málaga, Andalusia, Spain, known for a Flamenco Chill sound that fuses flamenco sounds and palos with electronic music. The name of the band is taken from an improvised form of beach tent that is constructed as a means of sheltering from the wind and sun. Chambao are: La Mari, Roberto Cantero, Oliver Sierra, Toni Romero, Toni Cantero, Juan Heredia and Pepe Cielo.
This “Desconocido” song performed by Chambao, is a great combination of chill sound, words, rhythm and nice melody.
A friend from the US sent me this Spanish song. Thank you my friend for sharing it. I like your taste in music.

Dos corazones perdidos
Son almas que ya no están
El tiempo ya has vivido
No lo vas a recuperar
Más sabe el Viejo por viejo
Que por sabio Salomón
Más sabe el que lo siente
Cuando se habla de amor
Desconocido, desconocido, desconocido

Y el amor no tiene nombre
Ni tiempo, ni cantidad,
El amor es un aroma
Que tienes que respirar
No tiene estación del año
Ni fecha en el calendario
Se mueve entre la gente
¿Alguien sabe donde irá?
Desconocido, desconocido, desconocido

Desconocido - Chambao

Translated into English:

Two lost hearts
They are the hearts that no longer live with
The time you've already lived
You will not recuperate it
The elder knows it more for the age
Than Solomon for being wise
Wiser is he who feels it,
When it comes to love.
Unknown, unknown, unknown

And love has no name
Neither time, nor quantity,
Love is an aroma
That you have to respire it
It doesn’t have the season
Nor date in the calendar
It moves among people
Anyone knows where it will go?
Unknown, unknown, unknown

El amor es un aroma
Que tienes que respirar

ترجمه به فارسی:
گمنام - چامبائو

دو قلب شکسته
اونا دو قلبی هستند که دیگه با هم نیستند
عمری رو که گذروندی
نمی تونی دوباره به دست بیاری
آدم پیر، به خاطر تجربه اینو بیشتر می دونه
از حضرت سلیمان به خاطر خردش
عاقل کسیه که اونو احساس می کنه
وقتی از عشق حرف می زنند
گمنام، گمنام، گمنام

عشق نه اسم داره
نه زمان، نه مقدار
عشق یه رایحه است
که باید اونو استنشاق کنی
اون فصل نداره
تاریخی توی تقویم نداره
اون بین مردم حرکت می کنه
کسی می دونه اون کجا میره؟
گمنام، گمنام، گمنام

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