"Sibesabz" means Green Apple in Farsi.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Beauty: Outer or Inner?!

Some time ago, a friend of mine quoted a sentence from Ramesses the Great (the third Egyptian pharaoh of the Nineteenth dynasty).
Ramesses referred to his beloved wife, Nefertari, as "the one for whom the sun shines." Nefertari means Beautiful Companion. Her beauty was flawless.
The poetry of Ramesses about his dead wife, as written on her tomb's walls, shows the pharaoh’s affection for his wife:
"My love is unique — no one can rival her, for she is the most beautiful woman alive. Just by passing, she has stolen away my heart."
Queen Nefertari
It is true that there is magnetic magic in beauty. In general, any person gets attracted by beauty. Standards of beauty are always different, based on what a culture considers valuable.
There are two types of beauty: outer beauty and inner beauty.
Outer Beauty includes physical factors such as facial symmetry, youthfulness, etc. A person who has outer beauty is considered to be outwardly beautiful and physically attractive. Outer beauty gives us many advantages such as having a good social life, getting a job easily, etc. Whenever, we look at good looking persons, we usually think that they are good persons too.
Inner Beauty includes psychological factors such as intelligence, politeness, kindness, etc. A person who has inner beauty is considered to be a good hearted person. Such person is always interested in helping others. He or she may not have outer beauty, but his or her inner beauty shines usually so much bright that covers up the lack of outer beauty.

Inner beauty cannot shine through make-up!
In the sight of the public, ugliness is unpleasant. To be ugly is to be unattractive. In many novels and fictions, the main characters are beautiful. Thinking about the ugliness reminds me a really touched story, the story of “The Ugly Duckling” by Hans Christian Andersen.
Although ugliness is normally considered as an outer characteristic, it can also be an inner characteristic. Of course this one is too bad.
So, what is the real beauty? When there is outer beauty, one's mind is happy. When there is inner beauty, one's soul is happy. It is rarely possible to have both inner and outer beauty.
In any case beauty, inner and outer, is a wonderful thing. People should effort to achieve them. This is why cosmetic surgery is so popular!
I think that the inner beauty is more important than the outer beauty. The concepts of beauty and ugliness are relative, though. Have you not heard? “Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.”!

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