"Sibesabz" means Green Apple in Farsi.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dalida - Mama in French / Italian / German

I am posting a mixed language song by Dalida. The lyrics are in French, Italian and German. There are other versions of this song in other languages as well. This is a superb and touching song with the simple words that I really enjoy every time I listen to it. This song means a lot to me. It reminds me of my childhood and above all it reminds me of my mother who was really kind and patient.
I want to express my heartfelt thanks to a friend from the US who has sent me the lyrics and video of this great song. Je vous remercie d'avoir trouvé la chanson. Merci de toutes vos bontés mon ami.

Dalida (1933 – 1987) was an Italian Egyptian singer and actress, naturalized French. Dalida was
born and raised in Egypt, but she lived most of her adult life in France. She received 55 gold records and was the first singer to receive a diamond disc.

Oui je me revois, une poupée dans les bras
Lui parlant tout bas, me parlant de toi
Elle était si belle, vêtue de dentelles
Elle me souriait, et je te disais
Mama, quand ma poupée grandira je veux qu'elle te ressemble
Mama, et nous serons très heureux ensemble

Oggi non ti ho più qui accanto a me
Il tempo se ne va ed ho freddo al cuore,
Ora che non ho più nessuno
Che mi ricordi un po' la mia gioventù.
Mama, quando questa mia bambola diventerà grande
Mama, voglio che assomigli un po' a te.

Als ich von dir ging, war mein herz so blind
Jedes wort von dir, hörte nur der wind
Nun ist es zu spät, und die Einsamkeit
Trage ich zu dir, wie zur kinderzeit
Mama, meine puppe soll gross sein und schön
Ja so schön wie mama

Dalida - Mama in French / Italian / German

Translated into English:
Yes I remember, one dolly in the arms
Speaking very softly, talking to me about you
She was so beautiful, dressed in lace
She smiled at me, and I told you
Mama, when my dolly grows up I want that she resembles you
Mama, and we'll be very happy together

Today I don't have you by my side anymore
The time goes by and my heart is cold
Now that I have nobody anymore
To remind me a bit of my youth
Mama, when my this dolly grows up
Mama, I want that she resembles a bit like you

When I went away, my heart was so blind
Every word from you, only the wind heard it
Now it's too late, and the loneliness
Carries me to you, like the childhood
Mama, my dolly should be grown up and pretty
Yes, as pretty as mama

:ترجمه به فارسی
مامان – داليدا
آره يادم مياد، يه عروسك توى بغلم
آهسته صحبت مى كنه، درباره ى تو با من حرف مى زنه
اون خيلى قشنگ بود، لباس تورى تنش بود
به من لبخند مى زد، و من بهت گفتم
مامان، وقتی عروسکم بزرگ بشه می خوام که شبیه تو بشه
مامان، ما با همديگه خوشحال خواهيم بود

امروز دیگه تو رو اینجا كنار خودم ندارم
زمان می گذره و من توى قلبم احساس سردی می کنم
الآن که هیچكس رو ندارم
تا يه كم جوانیمو یادم بیاره
مامان، وقتی اين عروسکم بزرگ بشه
مامان، می خوام که يه كم شبیه تو بشه

مامان، وقتى از پيشت رفتم، دلم چيزى رو نمى ديد
هر حرفى رو كه تو مى زدى، فقط باد مى شنيد
حالا خيلى دير شده، و تنهايى
منو به سوى تو مى كشونه، مثل دوران بچگى
مامان، عروسك من بايد بزرگ و زيبا بشه
آره به زيبايى مامان

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