"Sibesabz" means Green Apple in Farsi.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Táctica y Estrategia - Mario Benedetti

Blogger has been filtered in Iran. I was about to move my blog from blogger to a new host but yesterday I found a way to pass the filtering. Finally I could sign in to blogger after some time blocking.
I was not able to keep my blog up to date but I am happy that my friends and my blog visitors kept passing by my blog as well as kept in touch with me via e-mail. Thanks to all my blog visitors who always encourage me. I love you all. Hopefully I have no more login problem.
In this post I put a poem by Mario Beneditti.

Táctica y Estrategia
Mi táctica es mirarte
Aprenderte como sos
Quererte como sos
Mi táctica es hablarte
Y escucharte
Construir con palabras
Un puente indestructible
Mi táctica es
quedarme en tu recuerdo
No sé cómo ni sé
Con qué pretexto
Pero quedarme con vos
Mi táctica es ser franco
Y saber que sos franca
Y que no nos vendamos simulacros
Para que entre los dos
No haya telón ni abismos
Mi estrategia es
En cambio
Más profunda y más simple
Mi estrategia es
Que un día cualquiera
No sé cómo ni sé
Con qué pretexto
Por fin me necesites

Translated into English:
Tactics and Strategy

My tactic is to look at you
To learn you as you are
To love you the way you are
My tactic is to talk to you
And to listen to you
To construct with the words
An indestructible bridge
My tactic is
to stay in your memory
I do not know how nor
With what pretext
But to stay with you
My tactic is to be frank
And to know that you are frank
And let’s not try to fool each other
For being between the two
neither curtain nor depths
My strategy is
In return
Deeper and simpler
My strategy is
That a day like any other
I do not know how nor
With what pretext
Finally you need me

ترجمه به فارسی:
تدبیر و نقشه

تدبير من
 نگريستن به توست
درک کردن توست، آنگونه كه هستى
دوست داشتن توست، آنگونه كه هستى
تدبير من سخن گفتن با توست
و گوش دادن به تو
ساختن با کلمات
 پلى فنا ناپذیر را
تدبير من
در خاطر تو ماندن است
نه مى دانم چگونه و نه
با چه بهانه اى
اما با تو ماندن است
تدبير من صداقت است
و پی بردن به صداقت تو
و اين كه فریبی در کار نباشد
تا ميان ما دونفر
نه پرده ای باشد و نه شکافی
نقشه ی من
در مقابل
بنیادی تر و ساده تر است
نقشه ی من آن است كه
يكى از همين روزها
نه مى دانم چگونه و نه
با چه بهانه اى
سرانجام دلتنگم شوى

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