"Sibesabz" means Green Apple in Farsi.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cuore matto - Little Tony

It is an oldie but a goodie! Nice lyrics, happy rhythm and a great performance by Little Tony make it really lovely. Well, I'm referring to "Cuore matto". It's from times past but still makes one feel good.
It is first performed during the 17th edition of the Sanremo Festival (1967).
Antonio Ciacchi, also known as Little Tony (his stage name), was born in San Marino (Tivoli, February 9, 1941). He is a singer and performer of numerous best and long selling albums. He participated 10 times in the Festival of Sanremo and always he reached the final.
Little Tony has recorded over 500 songs, participated in 19 films and in hundreds of TV shows. Among his greatest hits: Cuore matto, 24 mila baci, T'amo e t'amero, Too Good.
Little Tony explains the choice of his stage name, in a revelation made in an episode of Italia che canta:
"I call myself Little Tony because I've started when I was 15/16 years with rock 'n roll and since in America there was a famous singer called Little Richard, so I said:" If he calls himself Little Richard I can call myself Little Tony. "

Cuore matto - Little Tony
Il cuore matto che ti segue ancora
E giorno e notte pensa solo a te
E non riesco a fargli mai capire
Che tu vuoi bene a un altro e non a me.

Il cuore matto, matto da legare
Che crede ancora che tu pensi a me
Non è convinto che sei andata via
Che mi hai lasciato e non ritornerai!

Dimmi la verità, la verità
E forse capirà, capirà
Perchè la verità tu non l'hai detta mai.

Il cuore matto che ti vuole bene
E ti perdona tutto quel che fai
Ma prima o poi lo sai che guarirà
Lo perderai, così lo perderai.

Dimmi la verità, la verità
E forse capirà, capirà
Perchè la verità tu non l'hai detta mai.

Il cuore matto che ti vuole bene
E ti perdona tutto quel che fai
Ma prima o poi lo sai che guarirà
Lo perderai, così lo perderai.
Il cuore matto, matto da legare...
Il cuore matto che ti vuole bene...

Cuore matto - Little Tony

Translated into English:
The mad heart
The mad heart that still follows you
And day and night it just thinks of you
And I cannot make it ever understand
That you love another man and not me.

The mad heart, mad as a hatter
That still believes that you think of me
It's not convinced that you're gone
That you've left me and you won't come back!

Tell me the truth, the truth
And maybe it will understand, it will understand
Because you've never told the truth

The mad heart that loves you
And forgives everything you do
But sooner or later you know that it will heal
You'll lose it, so you'll lose it.

Tell me the truth, the truth
And maybe it will understand, it will understand
Because you've never told the truth

The mad heart that loves you
And forgives everything you do
But sooner or later you know that it will heal
You'll lose it, so you'll lose it.

The mad heart, mad as a hatter
The mad heart that loves you

:ترجمه به فارسی
دل ديوانه
دل دیونه ای که هنوز دنبالته
و شب و روز فقط به تو فکر می کنه
و اصلاً نمی تونم بهش بفهمونم
که تو یکی دیگه رو دوست داری نه منو

دل دیونه، مجنون
که هنوز خیال می کنه تو به من فکر می کنی
قبول نكرده که تو رفتی
که منو ترک کردی و بر نمی گردی!

راستشو بهم بگو، راستشو
شاید بفهمه، بفهمه
چون تو هیچ وقت راست نگفتی

دل دیونه ای که دوستت داره
و هر کاری رو كه می كنی می بخشه
اما دیر یا زود می فهمی که حالش خوب می شه
از دست می دیش، این طوری از دست می دیش

راستشو بهم بگو، راستشو
شاید بفهمه، بفهمه
چون تو هیچ وقت راست نگفتی

دل دیونه ای که دوستت داره
و هر کاری رو كه می كنی می بخشه
اما دیر یا زود می فهمی که حالش خوب می شه
از دست می دیش، این طوری از دست می دیش

دل دیونه، مجنون
دل دیونه ای که دوستت داره

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